"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Monday, December 24, 2007

Tumbleweeds Crickets and Candy Canes Pt 2: Eve of Destruction

almost totally alone in the blogverse (aside from BL).
outta here in 20 minutes and heading into Bensonhurst to meet Stephen; it's half-way to Long Island where we'll be having Christmas Eve dinner with his our family. for the last few hours, i've been getting texted reports of Christmas Eve Carnage from our house on Staten Island (ie. "the oven is set to 375 but is reading 410 and just twisted my ankle, broke the bathroom mirror and burned my hand). i can't imagine he'll be in a pleasant mood when we get together.

have a merry/happy/joyous/festive...whatever, kids

1 comment:

Breenlantern said...

(((((hugs))))) it's an honor to share blogspace with you buddy! merry merry!

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