"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Your Multiple Choice Holiday Greeting

Stephen, Rufus and I wish you and your

a) Husband
b) Wife
c) "roommate"
d) Boyfriend
e) Girlfriend
f) Lover(s)
g) slave
h) master
i) other:____________
j) all of the above
and/or your

a) family
b) pet(s)
c) all of the above


a) Merry
b) Happy
c) Joyous
d) Safe
e) Bright
f) Peaceful
g) all of the above

i) Christmas
ii) Hanukka
iii) Solstice
iv) Kwanza
v) Thursday
vi) all of the above

and a Happy New Year!

i'll be out tomorrow and friday, so have a great weekend, kids!


Thomas said...

Wow, so totally unfair.
Wonder Woman is winning.

CawfeeGuy said...

girl...wonder woman ALWAYS wins.

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