"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins
Showing posts with label Can-of-Duh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Can-of-Duh. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the "Long Awaited" (and Excruciatingly Long and Dull) "2nd Wedding" Post

As most of you know, stephen and i had a commitment ceremony last year. It was, without a doubt, the happiest day of my life, to declare my love for him, with john and jenn at my side, in front of our friends and family. Afterward, my heart was filled with immense joy and sense of completion. This was the man I waited my entire life to meet and spend the rest of my life with. The only downside was that the ceremony was largely symbolic. Yes, in our hearts and minds we were married, but in the eyes of the state and the nation, we were just another couple of gay guys going through the motions. Then, a few months later, NY state announced that “they” would now recognize any same sex marriage or civil union performed in any other state or country. We started considering heading back to San Francisco (where we had honeymooned a few months before,) or up to Canada to get everything “formalized”. The more we talked about it, over the next few months, the more Canada seemed like the best idea and so plans were made.

Fast forward to the weekend of October 11th.

John, Justin (both of whom agreed to be our legal witnesses), Stephen and I drove from Staten Island (and Budd Lake, NJ) up to Canada and spent one of the best long weekends I’ve ever had. The drive up was fantastically long, lending itself to periods of silence and storytelling and laughter. There is nothing like traveling with friends and we really couldn’t have found two better people to travel with. The more time i spend with Justin, the more i like him. his Sahara dry sense of humor and glib remarks are a fuckin hoot. he and john compliment each other like stephen and i; it's also great for stephen to have somebody to roll his eyes with while john and i engage ourselves in a 20 minute Steel Magnolias medley.

We arrived early on Friday afternoon, dropped John and Justin off at the hotel and made our way to the Toronto County Clerk’s office to get our license. The entire procedure took 15 minutes and nobody batted an eye. The clerk was amazingly solicitous and congratulatory, proving that our 1st experience with Canadians proved to be the lasting impression I’ll take with me forever: friendly, open minded, warm and kind. We returned to the room, and had lunch at Tony Roma’s next door with J & J. There we met the 2nd friendliest person in Canada, our blonde and bubbly waitress who (with little prompting from John), directed us to “the best gay bar in town”: the Vous (formerly The Rendezvous).

Hours later, after some relaxation, some minor drama involving my “wedding clothes” which were still hanging in Staten Island, we headed to the Vous.

Let me say that having spent way too much time in NY and NJ gay bars, I was blown away by this one. Long story short, it was someone’s house turned into a bar and it was packed to the rafters. Whereas most gay bars are very…specific (Bear Bars, Twink Bars, Leather Bars, Lezzie Bars, etc), this one was the bar and was filled with all walks of gay life. We found out later that it was the only gay bar in a 100 mile or meter (whatever) radius, so naturally the place was hopping. The music was awful, the people were strange and the drinks were terrible, but somehow we had a great time. Everybody was so happy and friendly and infectiously excited to be there. it would’ve been impossible not to have a good time.

The next day, we hit the Falls and did some shopping before the ceremony. The Falls were single handedly the most awe inspiring thing I’d ever seen. I’m used to big buildings and bridges and statues, but to see something created by nature, so immense and furious, was an amazing experience. The pictures here could never do it justice.

After the falls, Justin and Stephen went on a tour of the power plant (i'm sure by that point they'd had enough of club music and Soapdish), while john and I engaged in some truly quality relaxation/John & David time (read: we went to the hotel bar and talked about our significant others) and it was fabulous. Nothing makes me miss him more than spending time together, “like we used to”. Our boys joined us later and then we all retired back to the room to prepare and wait for the celebrant (this fabulously little chubby lesbian, whose teenage son waited outside our hotel, looking at the Falls).

This ceremony was markedly different from our 1st one: it was simple and straightforward, and short. While preparing for it and planning it with the woman who married us, I thought it was going to be a “wham-bam-thank you ma’am” affair and that I’d be completely cool throughout; I mean, hey, we’d done it once, right? Wrong. I was hit with and overcome by the same level of emotions and feelings that I had a year before when I recited the same vows I’d written. I cried. He cried. John cried. The celebrant cried. in a departure from lighting the “unity candle” again, we participated in a “sand ceremony”, symbolically uniting our lives…again…into an intricate and original pattern….you get the idea. Anyway, the ceremony lasted less than a half an hour, and afterward we went out for a fantastic steak dinner.

The next day we left Canada and had an equally fun, albeit incredibly long, drive home. Stopping off at the Anchor Bar, in Buffalo (the undisputed birthplace of the Buffalo Wing).
While our 1st ceremony left me feeling immensely happy and complete, the Canadian ceremony left me with an equally immense feeling of relief. i was relieved that in the eyes of NY state and our employers w were now LEGALLY married and now retained all the rights and privileges thereof.
Last week, when i 1st heard that prop h8 was passed, i felt sick to my stomach....i cannot imagine what all those californian couples must be feeling after having the legal rug ripped out from under them. i feel like all the fanfare and brightness surrounding the recent election are completely eclipsed by this travesty of justice and humanity. I’m also incredibly glad we chose Canada over San Francisco…
"I used to run/I used to hide from love/But now, I'm satisfied/'Cause you showed me/That love could be/So good, so real and oh so right/So many things I used to let get in my way/Now I open up my arms and say hey/Lovin You/It's all I wanna do/For the rest of my life/This feels so right I'm/Lovin You/It's all I wanna do/For the rest of my days/'Cause I like the way I'm/Lovin You"~ Lovin You (Kristine W

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yes, America...

we're back.
we're hitched.
we're exhausted.

here's a pic of the Falls from our hotel.
many more to follow.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Can of Duh

things are fairly quiet around these parts. my diseased co-worker was off the last two days, leaving me little time to blog (not that i had tales to tell or anything). we're gearing up for our trip to canada, this weekend, which sounds like it's going to be boat loads of fun! i've never really did the "road trip" thing, and i can't think of a better couple of homos to do it with than Stephen, John and Justin. if ever there were three people i wouldn't mind being trapped in a car with for 8 hours, it's them (they?).

rufus is all excited about spending a couple of days with Tia Magenta and Chew-Chew, and had an appointment at the mobile puppy beauty parlor, yesterday. it was rumored he was getting a full-on "puppy cut" (ie. short n' sassy). but it turns out his other daddy chickened out at the last minute and opted for "just a trim". so now, gorgeous locks in tact, he's ready for a weekend of little sleep and psychotic amounts of exercise.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

At a Loss

i thought i lost my wallet yesterday.

when i realized it wasn't in my back pocket, i was totally fine; i figured i simply hadn't taken it off the credenza when i was getting ready to leave for work. see, i'm infamous for forgetting things, but, as a rule, i don't lose things. i temporarily misplace them, sure, but i know i'll find them fairly soon. like most humans, i'm a creature of habit. every day i walk in, kick off my shoes, kiss my husband and then leave my jacket and bag on the chair, and put my wedding and engagement rings, my wallet, cell phone and work ID on the credenza. every day; almost without fail. when stephen got home from work, though, he told me that it wasn't on the credenza. that's when i panicked.

it took me 5 minutes to devise an entire scenario where our trip to canada would be cancelled, because there is no way i'd be able to get a duplicate driver's license or a new debit card in a week; i'd have to cancel my bottomless starbuck's card (which i registered, like 5 years ago, and refill weekly) and try and get new insurance cards, to replace the ones i just received last week. i thought i lost one of my favorite pictures of stephen, from when we 1st started dating, and to which i'd attached our very 1st fortune cookie fortune "stop searching forever, happiness is right next to you". i lost my Social Security card, my voter registration card and a couple of reward certificates from Best Buy. now somebody could steal my identity, vote for Mc Cain and buy a wii game for nothing.

it wasn't until i thought it was gone that i'd realized how much i keep in that "deck of cards sized brick" in my back pocket; it wasn't until it was gone that i realized how much i'd lost. naturally i freaked and looked all around my desk, called the bus company and my office's security team to see if it was turned into either of their lost and found, and even went to the men's room to see if it dropped out. nothing.

luckily, stephen called me 15 minutes later and told me that it was in my pants pocket from the day before.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Everything's Coming Up Roses...For Now

dunno why i'm tempting fate by putting this "on paper", thereby making it real...but i'm feeling terribly content, bordering on blissfully oblivious, at the moment. all the planets seem to be in some sort of alignment right now, as evidenced by the close of two major fiascos (the dishwasher and the photographer), my body's apparent recollection of how to lose weight (182 lbs, baby!), our upcoming trip to canada, my more recent trip to get another tattoo (this sunday! the winner, incidentally, is number 3) and my new position at work.

then, there's the fact that almost all of my friends lives are going swimmingly, with new loves, new babies on the way, engagements, world tours, and domestic bliss. i haven't had one person complain to me (rationally), in weeks! i wanna exhale like whitney, right about now.

ok...let the smiting begin!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Take 2

What: roadtrip, baby!
When: October 10th-14th
Where: (Niagara Falls) Ontario, Canada
Who: Stephen, and John, Justin (and no they're not getting hitched, too...at least not that i've heard of) and I.
Why: Because we wanted to celebrate the anniversary of our 1st wedding with a legally recognized one...one year and 5 days later...

i'm not the only one with wedding related news. in fact, my news pales in comparisson to other people's. theirs is alot more exciting and noteworthy and comes with pictures. i won't link to their blog, though, till they actually post something. that would be cheating and i vow not to spill their beans...
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