"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Monday, December 24, 2007

Latest DVD Obsession: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

thanks Netflix!

3 Episodes in and here's what i've learned...

1. Gil Gerard was the hottest man in television in 1979. Lee Majors who? Tom Selleck what?

2. this was, basically, soft-core gay porn. between Gil/Buck's chest hair revealing shirts and skin tight pants, i don't know how this show stayed on the air as long as it did without being axed by the censors. sidenote: apparently bears were very well received in 1979's version of the 25th century. we're talking hairy chested, "regular guys", in every episode. woof.

3. Dr. Theopholis (the "Simon" looking computer which hangs around Tweekie's neck) was a big Mary. 1st episode: "you're an extremely attractive man, Buck", 'nuff said). concurrently, Tweekie is shaped like a penis.

4. Beautiful girl + Feathered hair+ lip gloss = evil

5. Erin Gray never has "helmet hair".

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