"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


absolutely no trains were running.
it took me two and a half fucking hours to get to work because of the rain.
i didn't even get my coffee, because i was running so late.
i'm wet. i'm cranky.
happy fucking hump day.


Confessions.of.a.NYC.Lezie said...


If it makes you feel any better...my lesbian ass had to walk from Penn to 59th!!!

MakeupGuyNY said...

OI dont get me started. I have to be in the city at 5am so i left at 3am missed all the rain. BUT coming home I got on the bus at 59th at 1030 I didnt get to the batery tunnel until 2pm !!!!!!!!!!!! 3 hours on the bus. Nightmare .

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