"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Heart Bleeds Pt. 2: It's Not Exactly "For Life", Now Is It?

i don't even know what i can say about this article.
i said all i really wanted the last time .
"if you're not angry then you're not paying attention"~ seen on a T-shirt
(if you know the author, please share)

1 comment:

Breenlantern said...

I send a response every time we get one of these e-mails at work saying I want my name removed from the mailing list as it is a slap in the face every time I get it. They never respond, and they never stop. I have found many people who ask "Are you giving blood?" (Is that a question you should ask someone?) seem surprised when I tell them I am not welcome to help save lives because of my orienatation...and then I point out that it must be very empowering to tell people their children, friends, spouses etc. will die because better that than accept "gay blood." Please! I also refuse to give blodd and remain closted to do so. They can accept the gifts, chariries and good will from an openly gay man or they can go without...it's their choice.

I do not know the author of this quote (I researched it but it kept coming up "anonymous") but it is truer now than ever.

Anyhoo, tirade aside, hope you have a great weekend.

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