"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Friday, December 29, 2006

Be It Resolved

Now surely you’re thinking “you’re making New Year’s Resolutions, CawfeeGuy? I’m shocked! You’re damn near perfect”! yes, it’s true; it’s that “damn near” that has pushed me to try and make the following changes in 2007…

  1. lose weight before the wedding: yeah yeah, i know i've been bitching abou this since Stephen proposed (back in February), Donna's right, this time i know it's for real. i've got 10 months to lose about 50 lbs. maybe i'll go to Weight Watchers with Stephen...
  2. take control of my finances: another CawfeeGuy golden oldie. i've been saying it for years, but it really needs to get done. i have to overcome my fear and grab my money by the balls.
  3. get back to my writing: i really miss it. friends and lovers have been telling me for years that they enjoy reading my writing, and i've been wanting to write something (other than my blog) for ages; "the Great Gay Novel" akin to Valley of the Dolls, lord knows i've got a helluva lot of stories to choose from (don't worry, i'll change the names to protect the guilty).
  4. let go of my anger and fear: i'm now in my thirties **shudder** and i need to put all the crap of my youth behind me; a large part of which is being angry. it's a new year, kids and i'm coming out Tabula Rasa.
  5. work on starting my own business: there are resources out there where i can learn where to begin; actually utilizing those resources would be where to begin. when i think of how much money i saved this year for the wedding, it doesn't seem quite so impossible to get some together for start-up.

there are other things i wanna do like find a way to get my hair back (or at least find a style that's more current and slightly flattering), but i'll start with these five.

have a great weekend, kids. be safe and have a fantastic New Year.

1 comment:

.25 life crisis kid said...

What a great list! TOTALLY do-able. I did a whole Hawaii diet thing...just took TONS of motivation(and cutting out pics of hot bod guys that I wanted to look at and taping them places that looked really weird that my boyfriend was disgusted by but totally supportive about).

You will totally do it!

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