"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

These are a Few of My Favorite Rants

my 30th birthday is right around the corner. bearing that in mind, i give you...

10 things that really piss me off as i get older...
  1. When people decide at the absolute, very, last minute to merge into a lane at the toll plaza of bridges and tunnels or when getting on the highway. this is also incredibly irritating when there is construction or an accident on a street or the highway.
  2. people who get on escalators in the subway (ie. 34th street and 6th avenue) and STOP walking.
  3. people who walk down the stairway that a herd of people are walking up (and vice versa) when there is clearly another set of steps where people are quite clearly walking down (again, this happens in the subway all the time).
  4. women who feel they are entitled to have doors held open for them, but would never conceive of reciprocating. where i work you need an ID to get from section to section (the doors slam shut and lock behind you); 99% of the time, the women who work here will let the door slam, regardless of whether your hands are full or if your two steps behind.
  5. holding the door for one person, only to find 30 more come pouring through, and not one says thank you. i'm very big on Please and Thank You.
  6. being called Miss, Ma'am, Bro, Dude, Boss, Chief, Cuz or things other than my name. if you can't remember my name, ask.
  7. Dave is the name of a plumber or some doofy straight guy on a bowling team. Davey is that claymation kid with the dog and woody for Jesus. neither one are substitutes for my name. if i introduce myself as David, goddamn it that's what i wanna be called. as for my last name, don't even bother.
  8. Crazy Christers and asshole Right-wingers who hide behind the bullshit shield of "protecting the family" and "the children" when it comes to their Anti-Gay Marriage rhetoric. Fuck the children. Fuck the families. i have no desire to ever have children (except maybe as a legal form of slavery/indentured servitude) and what my husband and i do bed has nothing to do with the sexless hetero couple across the street (unless they're watching with binoculars, looking for pointers). if people can accept Carmen and Dave (See, not David) then clearly family values will not be threatened buy a couple of cha-cha queens sashaying or diesel dykes lumbering down the aisle.
  9. reality television. it's not reality. it's not television. bring back quality TV.
  10. the over use of the word "gay" as a pejorative. we need to start coining phrases using terms like "Straight" and "breeder" and "het" as negatives. if we all do it, it'll catch on.

“I don't like Bush. I don't trust him. I don't like his record. He's stupid. He's lazy.”~Cher


CawfeeGuy said...

believe it or not...i've mellowed.

N'il said...

Oh, god, I would NEVER think of calling you anything but David. It's like me calling Joseph Joe or Joey - it's just wrong. Ditto on the subway observations, as they are equally true on the DC metro.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, out of the 10, I agree with you on all of these except2 and 3, only because I don't take mass transit often enough to have that gripe. You definitely seem like someone put Rat Poison in your coffee today though! (It looks just like Skinny And Sweet...Except for the little rat on the front!)

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