"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Look to the Stars

Leo: If you've been worrying about your future, take a deep breath, a solution is close at hand as good friends come to your aid.

well, thank Cher for that! but could my horoscope be any more vague? "close at hand"? where the hell is that? and how long do i have to wait? i am totally worrying about the future. there's so much happening right now that i'd be as brain-dead as dingbat not to be worried...

the wedding is almost a year away and we still need to find a DJ, limo, and florist. we've almost booked the Celebrant, but the ceremony is only a bare-bones skeleton that needs to be worked out and blocked in the hall. speaking of the hall, we've yet to pick a menu or even sample their wares. i'm still hunting for poetry or song lyrics (though i am very partial to K's suggestion). then there's the music during the ceremony, i haven't even thought about that. money is still an issue, i'm not entirely sure we'll have saved enough to have the small amenities and things that i would like to have. i'm having a hard time recognizing whether we're going to be Simple/Classy or Cheap/Ghetto. i'm still kinda hazy on when the invitations go out, not that it really matters because we haven't picked any out yet.

i'll be honest, that despite yesterday's post, i am worried that i'm going to look like Hindenberg bobbing down the aisle; i'm convinced that formal wear makes me look huge and i don't think i can handle that. stephen's on weight watchers and somehow i lost, like, 7 pounds and then gained back 3. i know it sounds incredibly shallow but i'd really like to be somewhere under 200 lbs by next october. these cheez-its that i've been scarfing down (in lieu of lunch) aren't gonna make my ass any smaller are they? no i didn't think so.
**sigh** the icing on the whole cake is that my brother has stopped speaking to me because i'm not having him in the ceremony as my "best man". ironically, i had to be told that he wasn't talking to me by my mom. apparently i've been getting the cold shoulder for a few weeks now. **shrug**
i need a cigarette or a martini.
no. bad idea! martini's are too high in calories and i don't smoke...

"I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it."~Keith Haring

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

breath! damn it BREATHE!
I love you
well get it all worked out.


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