"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Monday, June 12, 2006

TS...Phone Home...(or Reach Out and Emasculate Someone)

i was just called "Ma'am" on the phone; not once, but several times. at the end of the conversation, the caller asked for my name (for their records) and i was almost embarassed to give it. sadly this is not the 1st time this has happened, nor will it be the last.

when i'm at work, i'm frequently called names like Anna, Christine or Lois when i answer the phone without giving my name 1st. it's usually quite interesting when i tell the caller that No my name isn't Rosie, it's David. at home telemarketers, solicitors and other phone-flunkies usually ask for Stephen on the phone. when i tell them that he is not at home or otherwise indisposed, they usually ask if i'm his wife or girlfriend or they just refer to me as Mrs. L----- (stephen's last name), or Miss or M'am. i'd be lying if i didn't get a certain satisfaction in telling them that while we will be married, i'm not his wife or his girlfriend. this satisfaction is usually tripled when we get calls from various Catholic Churches or the Society to Protect Family Values.

if you're reading this, there's a very good chance that you've heard my voice within the last 12 months. is it that high? granted, it does raise to obscene octaves when i get really upset (think an outraged Jack on Will and Grace), but ordinarily i always assumed that i have a fairly typical guy's voice. i'll admit that perhaps, on occasion, i can be a tad lispy or lilty ( i am gay, after all and sterotypes are steeped in truth), but c'mon!

"I think gay people are like blondes: There’re fewer of them but they have more fun". ~Rita Mae Brown


Anonymous said...

You sound like a guy;those folks are tone deaf.

CawfeeGuy said...

thank you...whomever you are...

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