"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yup, Just Like Madonna

That’s right, bitches: We* are back.

We’re back and, like a certain gap-toothed-aging popstar, we’ve re-invented ourselves; like the tattoos which CawfeeGuy has adorning his legs, we have risen from the ashes and been rebirthed.

We’re back with a whole new look to the blog** and a whole new attitude about blogging.

We here at That’s So Gay are through with trying, desperately, to come up with witty and clever topics every frickin’ day. Nobody can be that clever and entertaining (without narcotics), not even Bruce Villanch. We’ve also come to the resignation that we just don’t have that kinda time anymore. In the last six months, there have been quite a few changes around the “offices” of TSG, so there’s also a new Blog Philosophy: self-indulgent, narcissistic, shallow brain dumping is fine (hell, it’s exactly what we’re all about here), but it doesn’t need to be long winded and frequent self-indulgent, narcissistic, shallow brain dumping; short weekly or whenever posts are just fine***.

If you’ve been following CawfeeGuy’s alter ego on Facebook (and honestly, the three or four readers we have are also his FB friends), then you’re going to notice that the 1st batch of posts may sound alot like “FB statuses revisited” or “FB Statuses: unabridged”…that’s ‘cuz they are. As great as FB is, there’s just too much pressure to be pithy, whereas on a blog you can babble as long as you want about a topic. This brings us back to our opening sentence.

So, welcome back to That’s So Gay; we hope you enjoy the new look and the New Attitude. if not, there's always The Fabulous Beekman Boys.

"And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever. Then, one day, we saw smoke rising from the chimneys. The factory was back in business "~ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Grandpa Joe)

*the “we”, of course, refers to CawfeeGuy and the myriad people whose lives he strip-mines for entertaining anecdotes and blog topics, who may (or may not) know their lives are grist for his mill…oh and also the three or four voices he has nattering away in his head at any given moment… just like that other aging  popstar with the red hair and crazy eyes...
** It's still being tweaked, so be patient, but we’re also looking for someone who can help us design a new title/logo for up top, so if you know anyone into graphic artistry, please hit us up.
*** longer winded than Twitter, less annoyingly in the 3rd person than Facebook status updates.

1 comment:

Breenlantern said...

Really? THIS is the best you can do for a stellar return? I expected so much more. I'm so glad you're back to disappoint us with lackluster posts, meaningless drivel, mind-numbing antics and a complete lack of male nudity. I was getting tired of watching paint dry and grass grow, so i guess this will be the next best thing. (Translation: WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! CG IS BACK!)

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