"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Friday, April 24, 2009

Test Day: Holly Hobby

Take Up A Resourceful Hobby

You want to be doing something tangible that matters, and you want to do it with the stuff you have. You're concerned about saving everything, from time to knowledge to stuff, and don't like throwing any of it away.

Our Potentially Ridiculous Hobby Suggestion For You:
Glass Etching
You'll need glass things (duh), tape, and etching chemicals (available at large craft stores). Tape off designs and paint etching crud on whatever's left, and you'll be the next famous glass artist type.

Take up a hobby at spacefem.com!
Your scores:

to be 100% honest, i've always wanted to learn to blow glass. discuss :)

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Okay, I'm String Art.
Apparently I just graduated from Noodle/Macaroni & Glue Art.

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