"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Thursday, March 12, 2009

the Moon is In Ca-Ca Pt 2: 3 Days Later

i've heard that my fans have missed me the last few days, so here's an update.
things are looking less bleak:
  • the plumber is coming tomorrow to fix the tub so we can take a bath and will return monday to mount the toilet and the sink.
  • Haier is processing the refund (does it really take 45 business days to write a check? i don't think so).
  • the computer is still inoperable, but the huz finished his work and is not taking a much needed 6 week sabbatical* during which we're sending the computer back to HP to be serviced. in the interim i broke down and upped my cell plan to include web access so i can check Facebook. i'm really not looking forward to having to re-organize my iTunes library but c'est la vie.
*which means he can call his afternoons, evenings and weekends his own again (so he can go to the gym or wii fit or take a nap) and i can come home to Wii Fit without not worrying about starting dinner, doing dishes, etc. it also means he'll be considerably less stressed and infinitely less tense.


A Lewis said...

Oh boy. Better but still a struggle, I can see. Damn it, life can be a real bitch sometimes.

Thomas said...

wow, you can do facebook while sitting on the john soon. Is it the bedet toilet? Think of all the fun you'll have on facebook.

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