"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

His Story

so, we're sitting around this morning, shooting the shit and the subject of Thanksgiving comes up. my co-worker, the infamous K---y, made her usual outta-left-field point:

K: How do we really know that it happened? i mean you weren't there; i wasn't there.
CG: well, people
wrote it down; diaries and letters, etc. it's called
K: yeah,
but how do we know that what people wrote
about actually happened?
CG: wait...you have no problem believing that some guy was born of a virgin, sired by god, walked on water, died and then rose again, but can't wrap your brain around some indians bringing dinner to the pilgrims?

really though...is this what "faith" is?

1 comment:

Thomas said...

They really brought breakfast, not dinner.

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