"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Little Victories

so...it's been a grueling 19 days since i opened up the wii fit box and began subjecting myself to Hiroshima's Revenge (35 minutes a day, seven days a week).
My body has definitely begun changing. i feel stronger and more "fit". mind you, i ain't ready to jump hurdles or do pull ups, but whereas a month ago i couldn't do a push up, i can now do at least ten without wishing i was dead. the yoga has gotten infinitely easier and far more enjoyable and i also almost don't mine listening to Evil Aarron tell me how shaky i am while doing the Tree pose. i'm not gonna lie, blasting club music helps, since it drowns the littel fucker out...

it's also been two weeks since i started back on WW with 95% of the religious fervor that i had 2 years ago, when i was attempting to slim down for our wedding. surprisingly, the weight loss is a little slow going this time around, though one would think the WW/WF combo would be blasting the fat off my ass like fire hose knocking crows off a phoneline.
maybe it's the 5% of sinning that's slowing everything down. maybe Stephen is right (like he's ever wrong) and i'm actually building muscle and firming up and retaining water from all this exercising i haven't done since...well...ever. and since muscle is denser(? more dense?) than fat, i may be losing the weight (read: fat) but at the same time i'm building muscle, so it all kinda balances out. all i know is that i'm hungry, all the time and haven't had an occasion where, at the end of the night, i'm standing in the kitchen wondering how i'm going to fit another 10 points in before Desperate Housewives is over, since i jumped on this Weight Loss Wagon. could it be that i now have the metabolism of a human being, instead of a sea slug?

it's never easy, though...last night, while watching Buffy (Sunnydale High was gearing up for the Sadie Hawkins Dance and strange things were afoot!), stephen decided to whip up a post-dinner batch of Velveeta Cheesy Salsa and pulled out a bag of Tostitos' Hint of Lime Tortilla Chips. Well, lemme tell ya, if ever there was a red light food which pushes me to black out and wake up with crumbs in my beard, it's Velveeta Cheesy Salsa and Chips. i sweated, i salivated, i glared, i watched every bite he took; i sat there, arms crossed, and didn't touch a drop.

half an hour after he had finished, i stamped my feet and demanded he acknowledge my enormous self control. see? i'm shrinking and growing, all at the same time!


Thomas said...

Tell me that's not some sort of foreplay the two of you got going on?

CawfeeGuy said...

yes, our foreplay involves Velveeta. kinky? maybe? tasty? DEFINITELY!

Breenlantern said...

we're at the end of our buffy cycle as buffy kills the ubervamp in front of the potentials....

instead of dieting, i'm just going to get this stomach bug once a week.

CawfeeGuy said...

BL: personally i'm hoping i get an ulcer or something, soon. Cunty lost, like 40 lbs in a year and looks FABULOUS! well in a Karen Carpenter, Bobblehead, kinda way...

Thomas said...

Okay - so here's what you do now... stock up on hostess twinkies and doodles and then leave a couple on cunty's desk once in a while.

CawfeeGuy said...

T: she sits there and DEVOURS poundcake, cookies, twizzlers, reese's peanut butter cups, etc ALL DAY and doesn't gain an ounce.
i'm convinced she's got a tapeworm AND an ulcer AND a hollow leg...

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