"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Queer Cinema Double Feature: Somebody Stop Me Before I Rent Again

Once upon a time, in a small neighborhood of Staten Island, my then boyfriend (and now husband) told me that i had a knack/talent/gift for finding the most obscure and dreadful gay and/or lesbian movies in creation (and consequently forcing him to sit through them) from the New York Public Library and Netflix. while the titles and "plots" are long since forgotten, an overall theme emerged: if it was labled as "gay", i'd rent it (or borrow it from the NYPL), without any regard for the number of stars it happened to be given by critics or the viewing public; ironically, given the sheer number of crap we've sat through (estimated total: 300), i still continue to a) rent movies and b) be allowed to rent them. the latest in the dreck parade are Locked Up and Leather Jacket Love Story, which i "found" on Netflix and subjected Stephen to on Sunday evening.

Leather Jacket is a "love story" which takes place somewhere in California, sometime during the last 25 years. for some unknown reason, the entire movies is shot in black and white, which i guess was supposed to add an "art house glam" element, but succeeded only in making the incredibly pale white boys seem paler and the black drag queen/tranny seem blacker. i'm not gonna bore you by pretending to remember the "plot", everything you need to know can be gleaned by looking at the poster. it's really just gratuitous dick shots and light s & m with a splash of story keeping it together (think: the gay Red Shoe Diaries).

As for Locked Up, well all i can say is:
Forbidden love (read: jungle fever miscegenation) in a German prison; let the hijinx ensue! And yes it is in German, so be sure to wear your bifocals, otherwise you'll have no idea how ridiculous the movie really is, and no it's not a comedy.

i sent both back to Netflix yesterday, so we should be getting a couple of more in the mail tomorrow. i'm sure they'll be just as good as these two (lord knows they can't be worse), and will help me maintain my streak of finding the very worst in "gay cinema" (the filmmakers just make it so easy!)


CawfeeGuy said...

see...i was concerned about using that expression and rightfully so. in my little suburban bubble brain it seemed succinct but not offensive. my apologies.

ryan charisma said...


Now I'm lost. "Jungle Fever" is offensive? I didn't get that memo. I figure if Spike Lee can name an entire movie after it. Doesn't that make the expression 'public domaine'?

Really? Speaking as white man who grew up with no pre-concieved prejudices because my mother would have laid me out if she ever heard me utter a negative racial slur. I don't get it.

When are words just that... words, and when do we stop being offended by the construct of words as opposed to the meanings and intentions behind them?

Jungle Fever - I think of a Spike Lee movie about an interacial couple. I don't think 'racial slur' - I don't.

I guess I'm not PC, then again, I don't want to be if this is how petty it gets.

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