"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I'm Like an Ambassador...Sort of a Diplomat, If You Will...

being the only out faggot at work has it's perks, my favorite of which is being the "go-to-guy" when it comes to answering the questions about the gay community and (particularly) gay sex (we've discussed docking, snowballing, and tea-bagging) . always one to help out the hapless heteros (i'd rather them get it first hand from one who knows, rather than incorrectly from "on the streets") i answer their questions honestly and unabashedly.

today's question: "what's dogging"?

i had to admit that i had no idea. always one to further my vocabulary and increase my knowledge, i turned to my dear friends at Google who, in turn, sent me to Wikipedia. after the 1st paragraph, i realized that it's (the Queen's) English for cruising. something i have...shall we say...a passing knowledge about.

this information i was able to relay to my curious co-worker, much to her shock and chagrin.
her follow-up question: "do lesbians cruise"?

now i'm flummoxed and have no idea whom to turn to, except you my faithful readers.

"In the sunshine/I know you want to/But you can't say yes/(Let's go outside)/In the moonshine/Take me to the places that I love best"~ Outside (George Michael)


travelling, but not in love said...

But dogging isn;t really like cruising - it's almost exclusively heterosexual and it involves a large element of voyeurism.

The groups involved tend to be :

- husbands - who take their wives to remote car parks and let other men f*ck them on the bonnet (hood) of the car.
- wives - who go with their husbands to remote car parks, and get f*cked by other men on the bonnet (hood) of the family car.
- other men - who f*ck the wives of men they don't know
- dirty perverts - who sit in the bushes, out of view and watch the proceedings whilst fondling their genitalia.

It's very popular on Cannock Chase. It's very popular with Stan Collymore. You can wikipedia both of them...


CawfeeGuy said...

**gasp** i've passed on mis-information! this situation MUST be rectified.
thanks TBNIL!

Anonymous said...

WOW - uh - either way, I just learned A LOT to say the least! Just when you thought you knew it all :)

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