"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Well Thanks ABC News for Letting the Cat Outta the Bag!

i mean really though, are none of our secrets safe? now all the closeted republican senators will know how to pick up closeted suburban husbands in the men's room at the local Sears.

i guess it's time to bring back the top secret "Hanky Codes".

or, then again, maybe not since some people get highly incensed at the idea.

god, did you ever play "capture the flag" as a kid? this is why women don't cruise.


Anonymous said...

Seriously?!! How complicated! Gay men know the difference between magenta and fushia?! Hell, I don;t know the difference! And I'm a designer! And my blog is named "MAGENTA sequins" - sheesh people.

Breezy said...

I don't know the Hanky code is a little too in depth. I would need a pocket manual. The guy with the hankies in his pocket looks like he fell of the Village People's bus or something. oh i posted the fafsa blog.

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