"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Monday, April 16, 2007

Slippery When Wet

it's been raining since late Saturday night. not, like, normal everyday April Showers kinda rain. no...we're talking monsoon-esque torrential downpour. think Noah.

ordinarily, this wouldn't bother me; i like the rain. i like the dark grey sky and wind. i like the feel of the rain on my face and in (what's left of) my hair. i like the sound of the rain on the windows, roofs etc. i don't even mind driving in the rain; i'm not a bad driver, i can handle it. on Staten Island, people drive 90 mph, on small streets through puddles that come up to your door. i've been trained.

This week, however, i'm back in NJ for work. i'm driving every day on the NJ Turnpike, with people who can't handle the rain. i don't know what it is about people in the Garden State, but rain turns 90% of them into complete and total idiots; they just can't handle it. the minute the 1st drop hits a windshield, traffic slows to a crawl and people completely forget all the rules of the road: windshield wipers without headlights, turn signals, left lane speed limits, etc. it's terrible. i understand exercising caution in inclement weather, but (like everything else about this state) this is ridiculous.

i like this downpour though...it's very alliterative in a German expressionist film sorta way. today's the kind of day when one should be listening to either Dark House music (read: anything mixed by Chris Cox or Peter Rauhofer), 90's alternative rock (read: Live, Pearl Jam, STP) or vocal blues (read: Billie Holliday, Marlene Deitrich)

"Let the rain fall down/And wake my dreams/Let it wash away/My sanity/'Cause I wanna feel the thunder/I wanna scream/Let the rain fall down"~ Come Clean [Chris Cox mix] (Hilary Duff)


Anonymous said...

You totally quoted Hilary Duff. I love it.

My friend's plan was canceled and suggested he reschedule his trip because of this rain...is it the end of the world????

CawfeeGuy said...

ah but i quoted it while referencing the dark and sultry club mix...that makes it SO much less "10 year old girl"...right?

Confessions.of.a.NYC.Lezie said...

oh little Hilary Duff. love it!

btw, absolutely right, NJersians dont know how to freaking drive in the rain-what a shame.

See it would have been a lot better if I didn't have to go to work. I like to admire the rain from my bedroom window - not me walking to work in my massive raincoat and oversized rainboots. that's dangerous.

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