"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Monday, October 02, 2006

Weight a Minute

John came over yesterday, just for a brief visit, and in the course of conversation told me that i look like i'd lost weight. i can't think of a nicer compliment.

i've always been...fat. i was a cherubic little kid, a husky teenager, and rubenesque young man. it runs in my family: my mom's heavy, my dad's heavy and my brother is heavy. we come from big people. big, olive barrell toting, wine stomping, macaroni/mozzarella/lamb/tiramisu eating, people. like most fat kids, i was teased by my peers. no shock there. the summer after my senior year of college, i got mono and lost a ton of weight. i dropped from a size 36 jeans down to a 30. i was about 165 lbs. even then i felt that i looked a bit chubby. gradually, i gained it some of it back, i held steady at 180. then i met stephen.

over the last 3 years, i've gained about 30 lbs. why? we love food. we love food in ways that are clearly unhealthy (10 lbs a year? hello?). as i've mentioned, stephen is a phenomonal cook and when we met, he wooed me with his culinary creations. at the time i was living with john and chris, and deffinitely not eating well. by the time stephen and i met, i would've given my left arm for a good meal (there's only so many Oodles of Noodles one can eat in a week). he had me at Chicken Picatta. since then, i've become incredibly more sedintary: six months of unemployment, desk job vs running around a busy retail store, nightly DVD marathons vs Barracuda and Colloseum 4 times a week. mind you, i was never...ever what anyone would dare to call "active", but now i moved around less, i'd gather dust. i'm shocked that i've only gained 10 lbs a year in the last 3. the way we eat, i should be 250 lbs.

anyway, hearing John tell me i look like i've lost weight really made me happy. ironically, i'm not really trying as hard as i should. Stephen's on Weight Watchers and by default, so am i. not that i'm counting points or anything,. i rarely eat at work (2 cups of coffee are all the sustanance i need thank-you-very-much); i just eat what he does when we're home. i don't have the time or patience to calculate the point values for a sandwich or piece of pizza. i give him a tremendous amount of credit for sticking with the program (he's lost about 25 lbs in the last 3 months, and looks fantastic). somehow, i've lost 11. **shrug**

i hope this trend continues. the wedding is a year away and i'd like nothing more than to be able to get into a gorgeous 3 button, 41 regular tuxedo with a white vest and tie.

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