"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Monday, July 17, 2006

5 Random Thoughts on the Next Blog button

  1. is my blog half as boring as most of the ones I read? God I hope not.
  2. what is with all the Crazy Christer blogs? Every time I turn around I run smack into a blog written by some guy in a red state extolling the Big JC and his Holier than Thou entourage.
  3. Foreign blogs: if I'm not hit with a Jesus Freak blog, I get a blog in either French, Spanish, Icelandic or German. There has to besome wayy to only get to the blogs in English, right? Not that i'm some crazed xenophobe, but while the pictures of Lars' adventure through downtown Dusseldorf or Raul's opinion about Brazil's World Cup loss are fascinating, I'd like to be able to read the captions (i'm an ignorant American who barely speaks English).
  4. Blogs that are actually ads for stuff. I don't get it. They LOOK Like blogs, but are actually long winded ads for things like soap or used cars. i just don't get it.
  5. Teenage girls. I absolutely loathe teenage girls. I'm sorry if ther's one reading this now, but it's true. Your blogs tend to suck like Ryan Idol in the 90's. it's the cutesy, Hello Kitty meets Sailor Moon Anime crap I object to. They make me gag.

"Water is just coffee that hasn't realized its potential"~CawfeeBoy


SoulPony said...

I agree with most of that.

Anonymous said...

1) I found your blog through the 'next blog' feature on a friends blog (who you might like...she's blogging about her divorce and she's PISSED: http://domeafavorandleavemeokay.blogspot.com/)
so yours is obviously not as boring because I stopped and now check it daily.
2)Yeah, this freaks me out too. I can't believe how many people feel so insecure about their own religion that they have to wear it on their sleeve.
3)HAhahaha - ok, maybe you're a LITTLE bit of a xenophobe? Kidding. What makes me laugh is when you see the one's that are half engligh and have something else. Or Pigeon-engligh in the phillipines. That's whack!
4)Ad Copywriting. It's big business right now.
5)Hahaha - well I used to be a teenage girl, but yeah...the angst/bitchiness/innocence/too cool for school/so uncomfortable in their own skin can get annoying.

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