"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

High End Moral Dilemma #237

I go to the same Starbucks, every day, before i go in to work.  It's conveniently located up the block from my office and is barely a mentionable detour, on the way from the F train. Granted, it can get ridiculously busy and overcrowded, throughout the day, but it's the only Starbucks within walking distance. Oh and did i mention i'm currently in a battle for Mayor of this particular Starbucks, on Foursquare? i digress. I know all the baristas; most by name, but a couple only by face; and they, in turn, know me and my “drinks”. Most of them know that Monday through Thursday I get a venti bold classic with 3 pumps and Fridays are usually a 5 shot venti skim something or other (initially this was to limit my caffeine and sugar but has, more recently, been to save money). Most of them also know to wait for what kind of 5 shot venti skim beverage i want; sometimes it's a Caramel Latte, sometimes it's a Peppermint Mocha, once in a blue moon it's a White Mocha; lately it's been a Cinnamon Dolce Latte.  sorry, another digression...where was it? oh yeah...
There's one girl who I see almost every day; very sweet, very friendly. we chit chat and banter together; it's adorable. anyway, regardless of what I order, she always charges me for a tall drip coffee; so, it’s $1.85 every time she rings me up, even for my 5 shot latte’. Now, the 1st time she did it I (subtlety) called her on it (thinking she misheard me) and she dismissed it, so I never brought it up again; but I’d never intentionally ordered a Friday latte, knowing she’d charge me less. If she was there on Friday and rang me up, I’d feel like it was a Friday bonus. If someone else was there on Friday, I’d pay the regular price and not bat an eye.

This morning, though, I was all set to order my usual Tuesday classic bold, but when i saw she was working, I switched my order to a latte.  See, i  had a really really really dull class this morning and i knew i'd need fortification; i knew there was no way i could face this class without something stronger than American coffee. True to form, she rang me up for a tall bold, and though the coffee was wonderfully sweet and delicious it still tasted a little off...

Does changing my order because I know she’d charge me less, for a better drink, make me a bad person?


Anonymous said...

Yes! Now knit me something in rainbow to alleviate your guilt!

DrBMBridge said...

Wow. I can't believe you did that. I'm so totally unfriending you on facebook now ;P

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