"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Totally Random Thought of the Day

Green Lantern (not to be confused with Breen Lantern) wears white opera gloves and has a huge, fabulous, ring which makes him "super"...i'm just sayin'...


ryan charisma said...

I would touch his pee pee.
And I was raised Catholic.

Breenlantern said...

You can confuse him with me any time...and I have the opera gloves, ring and mask, although I don't look nearly as good in the tights...sigh....I am such a geek...just seeing this post made me all gay hard!
I heart GL 4ever.

cb said...

I've always thought of him as a B level superhero. But the mask is fantastic!

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