"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Blues

pick yourself up off the floor*, gentle reader. i do not, i repeat not, want a child. i'm simply feeling a pang of melancholy because almost all my straight friends are popping out kids (some are two deep) or on their way to getting knocked up (by way of impending nuptials which, usually, result in a kid). as you know, i am not a fan of children, for more than 20 minutes at a clip (with 1 or two exceptions).

this leaves me on the outside of another social circle**. my friends can't "come out and play", as readily as they used to. meetings, which are already over-scheduled because of work and other social obligations, need to be further scheduled around bathtimes, feeding and other mommy/daddy duties. gone are the days when you can call up Couple X, Y and/or Z and invite them to dinner or brunch or even a movie, and it sucks***.

selfish? hell yeah. jealous? maybe. childish? absolutely.

this is why i'll never have kids of my own; i don't think CawfeeMate could handle two.

*i know you were knocked off your chair from the combined shock of 2 posts in 2 days and a title which may suggest my longing for a child of my own

** a friend, recently, did not invite CawfeeMate and I to her 2nd child's christening. she said that they were keeping it very small and making it family only, but as much as i try to to believe her, i can't help but feel it's because we're not part of the Mommy/Daddy Club.

***i'm not judging or pointing fingers or being all passive aggresive or anything like that. i totally respect that being a parent is a valid lifestyle choice; and yes, my life is busy, too. it's hard squeezing in a social life into two days a week under the best of circumstance, but adding another person into the mix (one who can't drive, drink, pay, or cut their own food) makes it even more difficult.


ryan charisma said...

I'm with you. My first reaction whenever anyone tells me they're (since we're talking couples) pregnant, my first reaction is always horror and shock. I don't say anything but I'm sure it's on my face. Then I ask, "do you want to be?" Thinking to myself, "you can get unpregnant ya know." Then as I leave with my bf and/or group of friends who are gay - well, we won't be seeing them anymore. And you know what, it's always true. First they marry, then they baby, then they move from the city, then they can only speak Elmo and go to bed at 9pm.

It's sad. Especially since I believe everyone should have children, who would clean the house?

Breenlantern said...

agree 100%. Nuff said

MS said...

Not all. No matter what you have to say about me and 'my relationship' I am not ready to be included in this 'club' you speak of. Do not pigeon hole me.

CawfeeGuy said...

never "all". i don't believe in "all". that's why i preceded it with "almost".

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