"On the surface, civil unions are a politically safe middle ground, an attempt to highlight the artificial divide between secular unions and the religious rite of marriage. But the fact is that marriage is a civil institution just as much as it is a religious one, and therefore religious objections to same-sex marriage shouldn't be an obstacle. We allow atheists to marry and we do not refer to a wedding performed by a secular judge or justice of the peace as a 'civil union'."~ William Jelani Cobbthanks to Lady
N'il at
a Fool's Prerogative for sending me this article.
1 comment:
Exactly! Thank you! And this is why I am writing a book about a Fundamentalist woman who discovers her reiligion is bogus (adding all the discoveries I personally made as I researched my way out of religion.) to prove you cannot take the BIBLE as an absolute.
I am not gay BUT I am so sick of hearing religious people tell the gay community, "you are in the wrong because the Bible says so." 1) the Bible is Mythology 2) what the hell business is it of mine/yours what someone else does with their life?
I live in the Bible belt, and I will probably get kicked out for writing such a controversial book, but I have set silent for far too long and I believe, as Gandhi said, WE MUST BE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. I want to see equality! If I can choose to marry the man I love then so should my gay friends!
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