"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Friday, August 29, 2008

"we've secretly replaced CawfeeGuy's usual F train, at 34th & B'Way, with an E train! let's see if he notices"!

nope. not till Canal street where i picked my head up from my recently purchased Young Avengers omnibus and was like, "WTF"?!? it was then i realized that i was on an E (as opposed to being on E which probably whoulda made this whole affair more tolerable) and figured i'd be ok because the A C and E all stop at Jay Street in Brooklyn, right?
wrong. just because in my mind the E stops at Jay Street doesn't mean it does.
i actually sat on the train at Chambers Street, while it switched from downtown to uptown and then went back to Canal street. where, once again, i exclaimed "WTF". now, feeling like a total spaz, i finally got off and found the Downtown E, took that back to Chambers where i finally asked someone what the hairy hell was going on. the nice MTA worker was nice enough to explain to me, without the use of finger puppets, that i'm a toal idiot that needs to learn to read an MTA map. he then told me where to go and how to get there. twenty minutes later, i was on an A train hurtling toward Downtown Brooklyn.

happy fuckin' friday.


Anonymous said...

oh, crap

DrBMBridge said...

So you know that your adventure this morning was the universe sticking it to you for Thursday's post right? Remember the 'smiting' request? Either that or for disparaging the quality of a certain sonogram.....


Thomas said...

See! That's why I stayed home today.

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