"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Friday, April 18, 2008

Notes on a Desktop

i absolutely love this picture (nicked from DC Comics' website) but, i guess i've been out of the comics loop for so long that i've got questions...
a) when did Hal Jordon (Green Lantern) get so effin ripped?
b) why does Superman look so damn young, still? he went from looking like a kid (far left background) to looking quite manly in the next panel to looking 20 again. is that a super facelift?
c) who's that busty chick behind GL?
d) when did Black Lightning and Red Tornado come back?
e) is that Speedy? Green Arrow? WTF?
f) where the hell are Aquaman, the Flash and the Atom?


N'il said...

I can answer question c). That would be Vixen. Her power is that of animal spirits which she can call forth with the necklace she wears. Everything else, who the ef knows.

travelling, but not in love said...

I can answer f) they're in the bathroom at boy-bar checking out each other's super-talents.

Breenlantern said...

a) when did Hal Jordon (Green Lantern) get so effin ripped?

Since he was brought back from death and relaunched in his new series, younger, prettier and buffer...

b) why does Superman look so damn young, still? he went from looking like a kid (far left background) to looking quite manly in the next panel to looking 20 again. is that a super facelift?

This is yet another version of a revamped Sman. Just be glad they didn't give 'im another super-mullet.

c) who's that busty chick behind GL?

You already heard it: Vixen. Was a member of Justice League Detroit just before the first JL of A title was cancelled.

d) when did Black Lightning and Red Tornado come back?

Was BL dead? He was the advisor to president Luthor for a while, then donned the togs and rejoined the crime fighting scene once again.

Red Tornado was brought back in the first story arc of the new JL of A title.

e) is that Speedy? Green Arrow? WTF?

That's Red Arrow, AKA Speedy (Roy Harper.) He's quitting to rejoin the Titans in their new series. (Titans Volume 432, I believe.)

f) where the hell are Aquaman, the Flash and the Atom?

The original Aquaman got all squid faced and advisory and now acts as guide to some pretender surfer dude who has gills and wears the orange and the green...at least that's what was happening in his title during the whole "one year later" fiasco when i finally got sick of reflex vomiting and dropped the title like lead....

The flash is currently wally west, who had disappeared into the speed force leaving Bart Allen to take over, but then Bart died at the hands of the Rogues and now wally is back, married to linda and has twins.

The Atom ran away into the multiverse after his wife Jean went insane, killed sue dibny by using the size belt to shrink and step on her brain a lot, went to prison, then became the new eclipso. Ray fund an alternate earth where that Ray Palmer died, took over his life and be-husbanded that version of his wife jean, until a bunch of heroes found him during "52" and brought him back to "our" earth.

Hey, you asked....

travelling, but not in love said...

ok. y'all are getting me scared now.

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