"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Monday, March 03, 2008

Wii Wii Wii All the Way Home

after an absolutely phenomenal weekend visit with MS and Chewie (she'll be posting pics i'm sure, since our camera was in the car the whole time), which included a saturday night Scrabble and Wii Bowling fest, i bought a Wii online. it was a bit pricier than i had anticipated, but the "bundle" includes 2 game disks and an extra controller, and since i can't find one in the tri-state area, getting it online seemed the only option.

i've been kinda indifferent about video game systems since the demise of the Sega Genesis (with the exception of my Gameboy/DS), but i am so excited about this, i can hardly stand it.

consider yourselves all invited for a bowling/golf/tennis/baseball/Mii-Making party.

1 comment:

Lady N'il said...

Heehee! Your Mii's have arrived on my Wii. I LOVE them! So, whenever you come over next, they'll be there. When are you coming over next? Huh, huh, huh?

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