"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Friday, February 22, 2008

Test Day: Even in a Blizzard i Show Up

You Are Garlic
Of all the spice types, you are the most universally loved.
You get long with pretty much everyone, and you leave a lasting impression.
You adapt yourself well to situations. You can fit in or stand out, depending on what you're called on to do.


Anonymous said...

I am home on a snow day! I took the puppy out for a snowy walk and now I'm gearing up for some Dance Dance Revolution. Up for a game of Scrabbulous? (go home - better yet - come over)

CawfeeGuy said...

snow days must be nice. i waited 45 minutes for a bus, which never showed. stephen happened to be leaving and drove me to Cunty's house...long story short: i was an hour and half late.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I'm a p@ssy about driving in the snow - and there's no public transportation option here. I called my boss this morning to tell him I wasn't coming in (at 8 am - I'm usually at work by 7:30) and I woke him up (he lives around the corner from the office and comes in at 8:30 the latest whether rain sleet blackout or blizzard weekend Christmas whatever). So you get that he frows upon lateness, vacation, illness, and most definitely weather. I say, 'it's snowing, I'm not coming in, we should close the office for a snow day so everyone can stay home with their families and be safe.' He says, and I quote, 'if it's a snow day, then why the hell are you waking me up!?'

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