so i'm thinking of getting another tattoo with my IRS refund check. i'm a little torn, though, about what to get. right now, there are two possibilities on the table (but i'm sure there will be one or two more by the time i actually get the check):
1. another Phoenix: the one on my left leg is gorgeous and i absolutely love it to bits. Seven, the artist responsible for both of my tattoos, did a phenomonal job; he really captured what i had in my mind. for the 2nd Phoenix, i want the same pattern but in colors that are as cold as the 1st's are hot. in my mind, i'm seeing brilliant blues and greens; emerald, lapis, cornflower, cerulean, etc. it'll be right above my very 1st tattoo of a rainbow tribal turtle, which sits on my thin and shapely ankle on my right leg.
2. Keith Haring's "8" (from the children's book "Ten"). I'm thinking of getting this all around my left ankle (under the 1st Phoenix) in kind of a tribal band style. i just love the colors and the simplicity of his artwork.
gimme some input, kids.
I love the first idea! As a designer I love the opposing forces between the 2 birds. Would you consider taking that a step farther and getting the second bird as a mirror image of the first on the other leg? I think that would be stunning - definitely a bold statement.
I love the first idea! As a designer I love the opposing forces between the 2 birds. Would you consider taking that a step farther and getting the second bird as a mirror image of the first on the other leg? I think that would be stunning - definitely a bold statement.
that is EXACTLY what i was thinking of doing!
Well... I don't need to leave a comment now. I was thinking the exact same thing.
less is more. don't do it. I won't know weather to sex you or read you.
save your money for the wedding.
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