"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

TNG 2.0: Abracadabra

yup. i've got another guy to train to do my job. just like the last time, his training...his very presence...fills me with a certain sense of uneasiness and trepidation. call me paranoid, but my 1st thought is that i am training my replacement.

now, logically, i know this isn't the case. i'm good at my job and my managers/supervisors all know it. i'm efficient and accurate, punctual and have only called in sick once. i'm pretty sure my job is safe, but y'never know...

anyway, back to the NEW new guy who we'll call Merlin because...well...his side job is Stage Magician. i kid you not.

he's very sweet and, i'm starting to suspect, might be very mildly retarded. he worked at another brokerage firm before this one and did the same job i'm doing now...more or less...so that shows you exactly how much brains it takes. in the plus column, he's catching on a helluvalot quicker than the other New Guy i attempted to train (click on the label below for a full rundown), who sits two desks away from me; doing the job i was promised. i bear him i no malice though, as he sits right next to Cunty, and i'm pretty sure that if i was in his place i'd smash her fingers in a desk drawer. also, Merlin seems able to type with most of his fingers, though not all. that's already light years ahead of TNG.

my hope is that Merlin really grasps the ins and outs of my desk quickly. i really don't think that i have the strength to train a third person. also, if this one doesn't work out i think the bosses will start to question my ability to teach...


Anonymous said...


CawfeeGuy said...

'cuz the one i attempted to train him for (ie, MINE) was to friggin hard.

N'il said...

What? How is that TNG got the job you were promised? Wasn't that supposed to be a semi-promotion/lateral move in the right direction???

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