to Vote or Not to Vote (Should It Even Be a Question?)
ok, 1st off: yesterday's post was terribly dark, mea culpa. i really was having a terrible day, even before it started. stephen and i worked it out; it really was a miscomunication/misunderstanding. you'd never believe that two people, who are so good at talking to other people, could be such morons when talking to each other. that's just the way it goes, i guess. it's all good. now on with the show... it's Election Day and to be quite frank i have no idea who to vote for. i don't really know whose running and or what they're running for. i know what you're thinking: "BAD FAG! You should be up on politics and the candidates, since it's in their hands that your future happiness lies"! i just don't have the time to wade through all the bullshit and verbal hand jobs to decipher who's on "my" side and who's on Emperor GW's. in my mind the equation was always Republican(s) = bad, they want to take away all our rights and then round us up and ship us all to an unnamed Island off the coast of Ibiza hoping we'll all fuck each other into venereal disease induced oblivion. concurrently, in my politically juvenille mindn Democrat(s) = Good; promising us equal rights and free mochachinos for life. i'm over-exagerating of course, but i really felt that the Dems were more trustworthy than the Reps, but i know it's all one big grey area. they're all (Dems and Reps, alike)saying exactly what they think everyone wants to hear (or they're being intentionally vague about things so that they can't be pinned down on any topic in particular). so, while i know it's my civic duty to vote, i'm left with this strange feeling of knowing that i don't really know enough to make a truly informed decision.
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