"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Printer Etiquette 101

If you happen to share a networked printer with another department, here are some helpful hints to avoid having a screaming Mary beating on the unit, hurling profanities, before 8am:

  1. if the printer is jammed, and you know it's jammed 'cause your print ain't coming out, don't wait for someone else to un-jam it. do it yourself. you know you know how. everybody knows how. if the uni-brows in IT can figure it out, so can you. it's not rocket science.

  2. since we all share a printer, and all have multi-page reports to print, when you're rifling through the pile o'prints to get yours, how about leaving everyone else's in some sort of cohesive order? you know you don't wanna be putting puzzles together before you've had your coffee, well neither do i.

  3. if your report is over 100 pages, let somebody know so they're not standing at the printer like a dope waiting for their 1 page fax.

  4. don't grab 4 " stack of prints and assume that you're the only person who printed, and that it all belongs to you. look 1st. take out the stuff that isn't yours and leave it at the printer or if you're feeling really charitable and wanna take one more year off your sentence in hell, give it to the person to whom it belongs.

  5. if the 4" pile of paper is yours, refill the paper tray. you know it's gonna need to be done and it ain't gonna happen by itself.

following some or (dare-i-say it) all of these rules really will help to make the work environment a happy and healthy one! who knows, maybe it'll also extend your lifespan...

1 comment:

Rainbow Demon said...

Great blog.

Thanks for stopping by the =Studio=.

Peace & Happy Holidays.

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