"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Take the Cake

i've said it before, i'll say it again: almost all the women i know are popping out babies left and right. tomorrow, my immediate supervisor (Brainy) goes on maternity leave for, like, 30 weeks (will i get leave when Stephen and i adopt our Yorkies?). in honor of the occasion and because i absolutely adore her, i'm making a cake:

the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Cake

how friggin' fabulous does that look? stephen found it in one of those Cake Mix Magic books they sell as impule items at the supermarket. i made it for my parents a few weeks ago and they absolutely flipped! anyway, she loves cake and she loves PB & J, so i figured it's right up her alley.


Anonymous said...

this looks like a very lovely cake. we confess, however, to being confused as to the nature and purpose of the dollar bill. is it for scale? or is it edible? (by which we mean more edible than your average dollar bill which, whilst entirely consumable, tastes like one might expect something that has been manhandled by the fingers and pockets of a million different people to taste).

CawfeeGuy said...

the dollar is there solely for the sake of scale, though if one wishes to attempt to eat it they are more than welcome...it's only money.

ryan charisma said...

"Let them eat cake!"

it looks great, and how unique.

good for you

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