"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hump Day (indeed)

so, yesterday was an absolute horror show at work. i mean, when have any of you known me to miss posting during the week?
TNG is a complete mess. it takes him hours to do things that require the minimum of effort or concentration. by 4pm there was so much that had to be put off till today, that i told him to do busy work while i did damage control. afterward, i went into my supervisor/VP's office and laid it on the line for her. i hate to throw TNG under the bus, but it's quite clear that this job is completely beyond his limited talents.
it's time for more damage control, i doubt i'll be posting later...

mid-day update
ok, we've figured out a way to split the work so that the time-sensitive stuff gets done while slowly getting TNG familiar with other stuff. he's still slow as old people making love, but whatever. this whole arrangement is going to be addressed on Friday in a little meeting with the Big Boss.

end of day update
it's almost five. he's still slow and clueless. it's like talking to a Golden Retriever. the expression rarely changes and you know he's just not getting "it". he's not making the connection between what i'm saying and what he should be doing.

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