"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Friday, September 08, 2006

Going Down..?

in my office there's a" coffee club". everyday someone buys coffee for the other people in the club. here's how it works: you get a "free" cup of coffee four days out of the week and then buy for everyone on the fifth day. since i'm the CawfeeGuy (he whose blood is actually espresso) i knew i needed to get in on this action. adding a sixth person, kinda confused things for a while, but now i rotate Fridays with Cunty or if someone is off, i take their day. anyhoo, today was my coffee day.

when i got to the bank of elevator there was nobody else there. i pushed the button to go up and waited with my bags o'coffee. over the next 5 minutes, about 15 other people arrived at the elevator bank. would you believe that every single person pressed the button despite the fact that it was already lit? it seems nobody trusted anyone else's ability to call the elevator. one man actually pressed the button no less than ten times.

"I have an elbow that bends the wrong way, and I'd do things like stand in an elevator and the doors would close, and I'd pretend that my arm had got caught in it, and then I'd scream, 'Ow, ow, put it back!' "~Geena Davis

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