"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Fundamentally Fabulous

the Pet Shop Boys have a new CD out!!! **happy dance** it's about f'n time, too. i mean Erasure has been putting new stuff out for the last few years, so why not the Boys? granted their last couple of albums were an absolute SNOOZEFEST. i speak of course of Release and Nightlife, both of which were decent but not what one would expect from the geniuses who gave us Opportunities, West End Girls and Bilingual. Nightlife was kinda fun but a tad over-produced. the best part of the album was that miracle workers like Thunderpuss, Almighty and Peter Rauhofer completely turned half the tracks into dancefloor masterpieces (Petey's mix of I Don't Know What You Want...But I Can't Give It Anymore gives me CHILLS). Release on the other had was far more subdued and even crossed over into dull at points (do i really give a rat's ass about the Samauri in Autumn? no, not so much).
Their latest endeavor, Fundamental, is a complete back to basics triumph. There's wit (I'm With Stupid), there's glitz (the Sodom and Gamorrah Show) and there are even strings. The best part is: it's electric, it's orchestral and it's amazingly GAY. seriously, it brings to mind their other great songs (Bet She's Not Your Girlfriend, Delusions of Grangeur, Losing My Mind, What Have I Done to Deserve This). i sat on the F Train completely blown away at the 180 degree turnaround they've made. the only drawback is that the singles they put out last year (Miracles and Flamboyant) were not included. that's ok, though that's why god (and WBBF) have given me an MP3 player.
it's only out in the UK right now, but when it's finally released here, i URGE you to buy it, God knows I will.

"We're shameless/we will do anything to get our fifteen minutes of fame"- Shameless (the Pet Shop Boys)

1 comment:

ryan charisma said...

Their cd is going to be released in in America on June 26th.

I can't wait to get it.

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