"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

God Complex

I’m getting mighty pissed off that natural disasters and atrocities are constantly being blamed on The Gays. It seems we’re responsible for last weekend’s hurricane, last week’s earthquake, the butchered boy a month or so back; hell even 9/11. Everything bad, according to the Crazy Christers (and friends), is their god’s way of telling them that he’s pissed off at us; all this drama is his way of saying that DADT should remain, DOMA is A-OK and that New York is the new Sodom (ok…maybe that last one’s not that far of a stretch).
Let’s not focus on the fact that the interpretation of weather and acts human insanity is, in 2011, kinda nuts; but isn't it also anti-Christian? I mean, don’t most of these people denounce astrology, tarot, and other forms of divination? what’s the difference between a “sign” and an “omen” anyway? No…let’s assume god is pissed and is sending signs. I’m thinking the Crazy Christers' interpretation is wrong and god’s pissed off at of how they are treating the gays:

Maybe CawfeeMate is right, maybe that's why he's always "sending" tornados to the "good, god fearing" straight trailerparks in the midwest; they're not "tests of faith", they're signs. i'm sure he's super pissed about some of the other psycho shit straight people are doing  in his name.


Breenlantern said...

We must be on similar wavelengths as our blog themes are not completely separate today, albeit very different aspects of the theme, for sure.

CawfeeGuy said...

oh that's just nutty, BL!

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