"Do you hear that sound? That's your yarn...it's crying"~ Magenta Sequins

Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Charming Weekend

another nice, chill weekend; r & r, laundry, food shopping. mostly it was sitting around, basking in the warm glow of our latest DVD obsession, Charmed (a series that can best be described as the not-so-thinking-man's Buffy).

The writing is akin to that found bad comic books and 2nd grade plays, the acting is slightly more believable than gay porn, but the cast looks fabulous and i'm pretty sure that back in the day it was used mostly as a platform to show the world that little Samantha Micelli (Alyssa Milano) has finally grown up and now has fantastic abs. i vaguely remember that somewhere down the line Shannon Doherty gets whacked, and honestly i can't wait. not so long ago MS pointed out to me that she's got one eye which is significantly higher than the other and now it's all i can see when i watch her "act" (well, that and the rather large expanse of ribcage residing between her breasts which appear to be coming from under her arms; why they kept putting her in "cleavage tops" is beyond me since Audrey Hepburn had more cleavage than poor old Hammerhead Doherty). it's fun watching how many ways she can manage to cock her head to one side to create the illusion that both eyes are level. i don't think i'd mind her character so much if she wasn't such blatant regurgitation of Brenda Whats-her-face from 90210 only with telekinesis; in short she's a royal bitch for no apparent reason. i'm not sure how she dies, but i hope it's painful.

anyway, we just started season two and despite the previous paragraph and the complete lack of any gay characters (though the show is set in San Francisco) , i'm enjoying it immensely. it's a nice change of pace from the comparatively weightier shows we usually watch on DVD, like Charlie's Angels and Fantasy Island.

"Where's Buffy when you need her?"~ Phoebe Halliwell (Alyssa Milano)


Breenlantern said...

I was tempted to watch this long enough to see if whatever botox accident/stroke incident that prevented Holly ("Piper")from making more than one facial expression or talking in anything other than leveled monotone ever wore off,but it was so ridiculously bad and not quite campy enough in the good way that i just couldn't do it. I have tried many times to sit through an episode and I just keep wondering how this show ever survived a season let alone get green-lighted for more...I'm glad you're enjoying it (blasphemous comparison to Buffy aside although I see your point) but I just couldn't get to where you are about it...but I loved this post and your description of Shannon...what a riot!

Anonymous said...

WONKY, I believe is the term I used. A wonky eye.

No need to thank me. Any time.

A Lewis said...

It's all Greek to me...I have no idea what you're talking about. Minimal TV here, minimal movies, minimal connection to Hollywood, actors, etc. Maybe I should climb out from under the rock long enough to get a look at this eyeball thing.

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